Free that Unicorn!

Free the unicorn

I am taking a leap of faith to suggest that in some form or shape, we all have, at some point (or even for most of our lives), felt overpowered by feelings such as, "I should start...", "I feel like creating something," "I was meant to do more" and many others. If NOT, then I guess that this has been a short post for you, but I'd say that for a good portion of us, this inner "creative" energy has been bottled up somewhere inside or keeps on bobbing up to the surface occasionally and will eminently be released. The contrary might be creative self-implosion and frustration, leading to adverse effects. 

When you do come to terms with this energy, and acknowledge it as "real", and that it can manifest itself in multiple forms, then you will have to overcome not only the fear of allowing yourself to release that energy but also take the risk; the risk to make a complete fool of yourself and to be exposed to this cruel* place we call the internet. Now, I'd like to ask, should one continue to fear ridicule and exposure in the name of letting the "gene" out of the bottle or in the name of self-expression?

Just a month ago, I had to say: "Yes, definitely". Followed by: "You stay as stealthy as possible in social media platforms, and you never, EVER, think of exposing your ideas in the www (wild, wild, web)." But hey, considering that a month ago feels like an eternity in my life, given all the different situations I went through in just 30 or so days (but that's another post), I'd say I couldn't care about my fear right now. So my today self is saying heck no! I refuse to go down the Creativity Implosion Lane and remain creatively constipated all my life. I am going to "use the force".

In short, I've decided to channel this creative energy and label it for good omen's sake: "inner unicorn." Why not? Since it's my born, darn creative energy, I can express it as I wish.  To be completely frank, I have had a thing for unicorns for some time now; perhaps I'm attracted to their elusive nature and mystical associations, or just because it has a horn. Nonetheless, thinking of it, I feel quite similarly about my creative energy; it feels pretty mystical and elusive inside, and unless you nurture it, it can never be this magical being I want to lead forth.

TODAY, I raise my (empty) cup of tea, to make a toast to my "unicorn". I have decided NOT to remain a prisoner of my rational self; I am letting it all out! 

I have no idea where this will go and if the unicorn will come to claim what is left of my "normality"(very little, I must confess), but in any case, this is the debut; we've made it my "inner" unicorn, we've made it!

Important fact: *Author has a flair for the dramatic

::::: If you chose to release your inner creative energy and, of course, decide to label it, I'd be interested to know what you will baptize it :::::

An inspiring TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert - Author of "Eat, Pray, Love":

Hello, World!



A Full-Time Traveler Dream Job